Children and Family Discipleship
“Allow the children to come to me,” Jesus said. “Don’t forbid them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people like these children.”
Matthew 19:14
Westwood United Methodist Church welcomes children of all ages, for they show us the kingdom of heaven. There are several opportunities for children to learn and grow in their faith.
Director of Children and Family Ministries
My name is Tamila Brode and I am Director of Children and Family Ministries at Westwood United Methodist Church! I am often asked about how to pronounce my name, so here is my trick: Tamila rhymes with Pamela and Brode rhymes with road. I grew up in Westwood United Methodist Church from the time I was about 5 through most of high school. So much of who I am today was shaped by the people of this church. I received a Bachelor’s degree in Forensic Science before realizing I was called to work in ministry. I then went on to get my Masters of Divinity. I always knew that I didn’t want to be a lead pastor, but I wanted to help the church to learn to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
I am so honored to be the Director of Children and Family Ministries here at WUMC. Being the mom of young children I have seen the importance of cultivating faith in our young people. My vision for WUMC Children’s Ministry has three parts. The first is teaching our children about who God is. Fostering a sense of security in God’s love for them will undergird their life-long faith journey. Second, I want to make sure that parents feel equipped to talk about God and faith at home. This doesn’t have to be some big nightly discussion, but helping families see ways to integrate faith discussions into the things you are already doing. Finally, I want to help the congregation know how to see and hear our children, inviting them into the full community of the church.

If you have any questions about anything related to Children and Family Ministries,
please contact me at